Tonight I am performing with guitarist Andrés Þór Gunnlaugsson. We have been playing together since last summer and it is interesting that we have the same last name. He is the son of Gunnlaugur and I am the daughter of Gunnlaugur, but two different Gunnlaugurs, so we're not related. We have a nice musical connection though. We have both written new material for this concert, so we are both excited and a bit nervous to perform it for the first time in this sensitive duo setting. They are not quite settled yet but maybe that will give the performance a nice edge. If you feel like coming we will start at 8pm in Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. This concert is a part of a the music festival Dark Music Days.
I got titles to three of my tunes from listeners who contributed them on my Facebook page, you can read about it here, and they are Long Pair Bond, (suggested by Liz Gilbert), Autumnalia and Crab Canon (both suggested by Michael Paul Pavlic). The latter two were suggested for a different tune, but I liked the titles so much that I wrote Autumnalia (inspired by the title), and Crab Canon I picked as an appropriate title for a brand new tune that I wrote less than 2 weeks ago. Hopefully I will have some recordings after tonight that I can post and get your feedback on.
I must say now that I really love having this relationship with people out there in the big world, whom I have never met. So if you can't make it to the concert leave me a shout instead. I am planning concert for the US in June (East Coast) and Europe in the fall but I am working on doing a house concert soon that I could stream over the internet and you, my dear music lovers outside of Iceland, can tune into.
It's something of an understatement to say I wish Liz and I could attend, dear Sunna. Restraining my accustomed verbosity…MMMWWWAAAAAAHHH!!! 🙂 xx
Dear Sunna,
I second what Michael just wrote and raise it to the trillionth power.
Your music, your request brought us together in the most profound way and so it has a significance that simply leads to gratitude of the highest order. Gratitude for music, for love, for friendship, for art, for the "green fuse" that drives the flower.
You provided through your music and this forum here, a way for two souls to meet , remember, and form a Long Pair Bond.
How could we ever find a way to thank you enough? So, we celebrate you today and your incredible music and spirit.
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