I am totally thrilled to be about to release a new album called 'The Dream.' It was recorded in New York last year and features Loren Stillman on sax, Eivind Opsvik on bass and Scott McLemore on drums. I have launched a very exciting project that I am calling "Making The Dream a Reality". I am inviting people to participate in the stages preceding the actual release which is scheduled on June 17th (Iceland's Independence Day). I have set up a page on kickstarter.com which is a funding tool for creative projects. Anyone with an amazon account can pledge an amount to pre-purchase the CD, receive unique rewards and help me pay the bills.
The most basic reward is downloading the CD (in any format) while I think the most extravagant ones might be commissioning a youtube video cover of any tune, or hosting a house concert. I am also offering a photo diary w/ CD featuring select live tracks from this year's performances. That might include live tracks with guitarist Andres Thor, trio performances in Iceland, quartet in USA or where ever the music will take me. Don't worry, no nudes. I promise.
On my Kickstarter page I will be posting progress updates that only backers can view. The current status of the project is that the recording will be mastered tomorrow. This is what the cover looks like today… did change a bit from yesterday, but I'm trying to get this all done in the next few days so that I can ship the files to the manufacturer and have the physical albums available by June 10th. I have chosen a 6 panel eco-wallet …mmm it will be nice.
If you would like to help spread the word you can grab a widget from my kickstarter page and embed on your blog, share on facebook, tweet it, email it, with just a click of the mouse. Check it out and if there are other rewards that you think would have been of value to you then drop me a comment here… it will be good input for the next project… which is looming on the horizon.