A few months ago I wrote a blogpost about Planting a Thousand Seeds to grow ten trees, well I am excited to tell you that the trees are growing. I've managed to fill in my mini tour of Europe in September so my quartet now has 5 consecutive concerts. My trio, which just finished recording new material for a CD due out in the fall, will be performing the opening night of the Reykjavik Jazz Festival on August 20th. We will be performing in the brand spanking new performance center Harpa. "The Dream" received a rave review in the July/August issue of the German magazine Jazz Podium which is a pretty good timing considering our upcoming performances in Germany. Finally my trio will be performing at the London Jazz Festival on November 12th.
Does this mean I can sit back with a glass of red wine and chill? Oh no! The funny thing is that everytime I book an appearance it actually creates work on the promotion side. So now I am trying to promote all of the aforementioned appearances and you, yes YOU my dear reader, can help. You could go to my bandcamp page and select an album of your liking and share it on your Facebook wall with some nice comment about upcoming concerts or whatever.
Although I ain't exactly chillin' I do have a glass of red wine. Cheers!