I'm very excited to be playing 7 concerts with my quartet in the next 10 days. On Friday we will give a concert at the beautiful Tjodmenningarhus in Reykjavik and on Tuesday we fly to Frankfurt and play that night at Europe's oldest jazz club Jazzkeller. After that we will make stops in Passau, Vorchdorf (Austria), Backnang, Mainz and Pfaffenhofen Ilm.
When I was living in NY I would buy train passes for the band and we could go anywhere with those passes. Since all members of the quartet are based in Europe those passes aren't available to us so I've spent days on the internet booking trips from one place to the next debating whether the train or a rental car is more economical. I am pleased to say that so far the trains are working out. When we are touring the time spent traveling is really the only chillin' time we have so being on a train where you can stand up and walk around is a lot nicer than sitting in a car hoping that you didn't miss your exit.
I have created invites on Facebook for the concerts. Feel free to invite yourself, your friends and share on your wall. Make it viral! If you come to one of our concerts don't hesitate to say hi.