As some of you hopefully noticed, I had a 3 day Holiday Special where I made my albums available for a free download. This was the first time I've done this and the experience was exhilarating. I posted the sale on Facebook, sent it out in my newsletter (a ha, a good reason to subscribe), wrote a blogpost here, created a news announcement on All About Jazz and tweeted it. This was definitely a lot of fun.

On Twitter the news got out fast and it was great to see how my shouts were retweeted and re-retweeted (is that a word?) by various people. After I posted it on All About Jazz I asked twiends (people on twitter) to hit the recommend link on the story and within the hour my announcement had made it to #2 for the most recommended news in the last 30 days. Soon after it reached the top and it was still there when I checked just now with 128 "recommend hits". Wow! The power of Twitter. Thank you all!

The objective really was to reach new listeners and I think it's safe to say that the objective was met. As a result of all of this I gained fans on my Facebook Fanpage, connected with new Twitter followers and my mailing list grew. There were many free downloads but surprisingly many people also paid for the music and some paid way more than the normal CD price and didn't just buy one CD but all of them. Wow! (again). But apart from the numbers, it was also very heart warming to see people's tweets about my music and all the compliments are graciously appreciated.

I must say thanks to fellow tweeps and musicians Jason Parker and Rob Michael who did their own sale before me and thus inspired me to follow in their footsteps.

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